个人经验,其实什么也不用买,纯属是浪费钱,出去了以后你连课本都读不完,再买书纯属是负担(还要搬家,除尘blahblahblah)。你要实在无聊就看看剧,思考一下怎么和同学get along well。To be honest,我的阅读完全是出国后啃课本提升的,记的单词和material都很深刻,因为自己根据lecture的内容进行的二次的积极的学习,和盲目看书有很大区别的。
What I try to say is that it would be a waste of time to read some useless books that have nothing to do with the major you are in. If you really want to be proactive, I would suggest you to log into your school's website and see if there is any required textbook that you can actually buy in China (fake version or pdf, of course). If so, you can also try to search if there is any syllabus that is available online (posted by former students who took the same course with you or shared the instructor with you) and then you can read the textbook according to the syllabus and I believe it would be super efficient.
Take-Home Message: Studying abroad is not about studying a foreign language but using a foreign language to study their advanced technology, culture and etc. 千万不要为了提升阅读而阅读,而是为了提升你要学的specific的knowledge的能力而阅读。
我为大家带来赴英国留学必备书籍,希望对出国留学的同学有所帮助。想了解更多留学精彩内容,为你详细解答。 英国留学行前准备中,行李携带哪些书籍也是需要考虑的一项。毕竟去英国留学时以学习为主,那么英国留学生么出国要如何携带书籍好呢?
Dear _,
Economics attempts to understand and address many of the world’s mostserious problems. I would like to enhance my knowledge of the economic andsocial principles of global sustainable development, such as the divergencebetween rich and poor countries and how this links with the theories of growthso that I can help to alleviate the effects of these types of economicproblems.
I have enjoyed the macroeconomic side of the course and I am lookingforward to learning more about globalisation after reading The UndercoverEconomist by Harford as he argues that the benefits of globalisation outweighthe disadvantages, such as the “Race to the Bottom”. Furthermore, the articleGlobalisation Shakes the World by Schifferes brought context to Harford’s viewsby allowing me to understand the contrasting effects of globalisation onBangalore and Michigan. In general I enjoy keeping up with current economicaffairs and I am intrigued by the future effects of the recent migration ofrefugees from Syria into Europe and I am keen to understand whether this will beof benefit or burden to European economies.
I enjoy taking part in voluntary work such as my work experience in Ugandain August 2014. The visit highlighted the countries many issues such as famine,poor infrastructure and the vast inequality between developed countries anddeveloping countries. This led me to read The Bottom Billion by Collier whichenabled me to gain a better understanding of the positions of the countries atthe bottom of the global economic system by explaining the four economic traps.This suggested that Uganda is a failing economy because it is landlocked by badneighbours, as well as recently being stuck in the conflict trap, from which ithas now escaped but is still at high risk of falling back into due to its lowincome and slow growth. The Bottom Billion also analyses the effectiveness ofglobal aid. This had lead me to research about how Britain’s overseas budget isspent and how the UN aims to deal with global poverty. I found the UN’s 17 newgoals regarding sustainable development and economic policy very ambitiousparticularly ending poverty and hunger globally and providing quality educationfor all by 2030.
In March 20_ I completed a Future Learn course about how genes influencecancer development. I found this very beneficial as it built on my knowledge ofgenetics and how this has been used to produce technological advances that mayeventually cure cancer. For this reason I am currently doing another onlinecourse about wealth and income inequality with the Open University. As anacademic scholar I thrive on opportunities for independent research and work,and these courses have allowed me to achieve these aims.
The subjects I have taken through to A Level have taught me valuableskills; Mathematics has developed my problem solving and data analysis skillsand studying Biology and Chemistry has allowed me to think critically andimprove my investigative skills. I am taking part in the Biology Olympiadcompetition which utilises knowledge gained from inside the A level course toanswer questions outside of the course curriculum.
I enjoy the challenge that leadership brings whether in the CommunityService unit visiting a local school or in my role as a School Prefect and Housecaptain which has meant I have learnt the importance of communication, teamworkand commitment. Furthermore, I have chosen to become an academic mentor whichincludes tutoring younger students. Whilst maintaining a strong academic recordI also participate in School hockey and netball teams and I have decided to takepart in the Young Enterprise scheme this year to improve my understanding of thebusiness world.
I have greatly enjoyed the challenges that I have encountered so far and Ilook forward to focusing my learning on a subject that I find intellectuallystimulating and which will provide me a range of career opportunities
Yours sincerely,
高中才出国,可以去上一些英语课程,但是我个人觉得没什么大用,首先要提高的肯定是词汇量,但是去背单词书往往会了单词但是不会应用。我高一出国,感觉首要的是提高口语,毕竟要和人老师交流,提高口语就多记忆点日常单词,日常单词的记忆不难,方法可以是多看有字幕的电影最好要双语的,碰到有不懂单词就记下来,这样是最有效率的,还有就是看老外的少儿读物(虽然幼稚点,但是对日常生活上的英语有帮助)。日常的解决了,接下来就要转向专业术语了(Academic English),这个就有难度了,刚才是可以看写科学和商务方面类似英语教科书的读物。口语练习,有能力可以请外教对话(这个对英语的提高非常大!!!!对语感和融入外国社会,了解老外价值观都有帮助!!,没有能力不要紧高中出来交几个外国朋友在这边锻炼几年就可以了。
以上就是出国留学生活英语书的全部内容,To be honest,我的阅读完全是出国后啃课本提升的,记的单词和material都很深刻,因为自己根据lecture的内容进行的二次的积极的学习,和盲目看书有很大区别的。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。