
英语 2024-04-10 18:21:53 170

我暑假在伦敦留学的英语?vacation 1、发音:英 [və'keɪʃn] 美 [və'keɪʃn]2、详细释义:n. 假期,假日;休庭期;搬出,腾出,退出;辞职,辞去;休假。v. 度假;休假,放假。短语搭配:1、那么,我暑假在伦敦留学的英语?一起来了解一下吧。


Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a student in China and I plan to go to Britain to attend a summer school during the vacation.I’ve seen your ad,and I’d like to know something more about your six-week English course.First,when will the course start and how many class hours are there per week?Besides,I wish there would not be too many students in a class.I’d also like to know how much I have to pay for the course and whether accommodation is included.Would there be host family or university dormitory?

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua



Hi, everybody! This is li hua. Now I am a British school summer course. Now I met some trouble, the hope can receive the school counseling center help.I do my homework until1o'clock in the morning every day. My English is not very good, sometimes I can't talk with British friends by normal communication. SoI hope you can give me some advice.

Email address is lihua @. 1236. Com my telephone number is 1234-5678 . I hope you can help me. Thank you!


Li hua


I have been to United Kingdom in the summer holidays.


summer holiday

暑假是summer vocation

PS: holiday虽然有假期的意思,但一般指公共节日的假期,暑假这种应该用vocation比较妥

PPS: 国外还有一些很短的假期,也可以用break来表示。





This time to go to England, I went to many places, learned a lot of knowledge, especially the days we in tang school language training school, I learned the most.

At the time of tang school, my partner buddy is Glenda, the days that I with Glenda study, play together, we also go together outing, play games together, exercise together

Our side to play, learn, and communicate in English, in the process, I learned a lot of new knowledge, we have become good friends. I also learned the British pupils are very polite, very warm, very friendly to people. For example, when we take the train, they will put the seat to us, let's don't stand too close to the road when walking, and so on, these are worthy of our learning.

I used to be a like the person who speak loudly, and the car generally do not have the habit of wearing a seatbelt, but this time to travel and study in UK, I changed these bad habits, my voice becomes the car when will remind yourself to fasten your seat belt. And I also had a good habit: after people help to say "Thank you." (Thank you), at a time, Please help to say "do" (Please), ha ha, the good habits will always accompany me, to jilt also to throw away.

This communication activity makes me change a lot, also let me learn a lot of new knowledge, at the same time I also found myself still has a lot of shortage of place, is my English is not good enough, if you still don't understand people, also can't accurately express myself in English, so I should learn English more carefully in the future.


First,quality.The first British education from Oxford University began to now have almost nine years of history,the education quality in the world enjoy very high reputation,high quality of education attracts many well-known schoolfellow,high quality education has a set of education expansion for so many years.Second,the characteristic.It is a tradition in the country,but it's also innovation that based on the traditional technology,only 1% of the world's population,but science output 9%,so the technology innovation ability is very good.Third,in Britain u may have very good experience.Mainly,compared United States,Australia British has very generous history,and a sense of national modernization,students can experience Britain history of massiness.and modern city.


Britain has always been one of the world's most popular study abroad countries, with its long history of education system and the teaching quality of high quality and international reputation. With a short, high gold content of the education, general certificate issued by the world, these are the reasons why choose Britain.

Study in the party like English for many reasons, I had a lot of data query summarized some reasons, for everyone to share:

School more than

There are so many ranks very top university in the world. As the earth person all know of Oxford University, the university of Cambridge, the London school of economics, imperial college, London university; There are a high reputation in the UK at the university of durham and st Andrews, Edinburgh, Manchester and the university of Bristol, and so on.

Learn more focus

Here in college not easily distracted. British university teaching quality and research level of world-class reputation, in British universities to study is very valuable and rare improve their ability and all aspects of development opportunities.

Good study atmosphere

Good study atmosphere, everyone reading attentively learning library. At a British university library's collection of huge, good reading environment, service quality is better, the abundant learning resources are the reasons why students with a British colleges and universities.

Language influence

Britain is the birthplace of English, there are sufficient opportunities to practice and use English, let you learn pure English. We know that learning a language requires a certain environment, only in their home country, can we truly exercise spoken language ability.

Student discount more

International students can enjoy the British national health system of the NHS service enjoy free medical care, and other students.

Geographical advantage

Near the continent, holiday when the ferry, the train or plane to France Italy what at any time. Europe is the dream of many people, studying in the UK has geographical advantage, can nearby to play, turn a turn.

Eductional systme short high recognition

British degree not only widely recognized the world, and its compact and rigorous curriculum, degree in a relatively short time, a master's degree in only one year, it means that you can to work earlier. This is also a lot of students go to England reading master's the main reason. Because it is a one-year master's course, so save the tuition and living expenses. To study in Britain, by contrast, cost performance is high, save the cost of the students can use many other places.

International atmosphere

So many different countries for international students in the school and the local students, is a good chance to practice English and meet friends! Hodgepodge of globalization in the world in the UK, you can feel the cultural similarities and differences from country to country, is how much fun and unique experience.

Encounter exotic love

Perhaps the school can make English gentleman male wind and the bubble to the elegant British local girls. Encounter a exotic love is a many international students must have occasionally do a dream, but dreams sometimes come true!


以上就是我暑假在伦敦留学的英语的全部内容,范文 Dear Sir / Madam,I’m li hua,a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university。I’m writing to ask for help。I came here last month and found my courses interesting。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
