
申请条件 2024-08-09 09:39:19 6




1、What accomplishment(s) are you most proud of andwhy?

You can answer this question with a personal or professional achievement.If you are asked for more than one accomplishment, I recommend givingprofessional and non-professional examples. While you can certainly mentionwinning an award or honor if applicable, the essay focuses on what you did andwhy you consider it an accomplishment. What made it difficult? Why are you proudof it?

Your accomplishment should reflect the qualities valued by MBA programs —leadership, team work, initiative, communications or social skills, analyticalability, persistence — though it does not have to reflect all of them. Ideallythe readers should be able to conclude that you have these qualities afterreading about the difficulties you overcame without you having to tell themexplicitly that your accomplishment required those attributes.

2、Discuss a failure and what you learned from theexperience.

Be honest. When did you really blow it? What did you learn from theexperience? How have you changed as a result?

Open by describing the situation and giving a brief picture of the scene orbackground. Then discuss your reaction when you realized that you had made a BIGmistake. What did you do to recover from the failure? Have you handled a similarsituation successfully? Bring evidence, like better grades, promotions, orincreasing responsibility, to prove that you really changed your ways and turnedfailure into success.

As I indicated above, the key to answering this question is candor andauthenticity. Admissions people read thousands of essays. They can spot a fake"failure" from a mile away, and it irritates them. On the other hand, an honestessay telling a good story and showing growth engages and informs. It is exactlywhat they want to read.

3、What are your professional goals and how will an MBA from FirstChoice B-School help you achieve them?

To further bring out your experiences and add pieces to the jigsaw puzzlethat is you, tie your future to your past with this school's program: Show howyour aspirations stem from past experience and then discuss how the school'sprogram will enable you to achieve your goals. Use this essay to bring outelements of your experience not discussed elsewhere and reflect back on what youliked and disliked. Then demonstrate knowledge of the school's program whileshowing how it is the perfect bridge between the past and the future.

In discussing the school's program, please include specifics and don't usethe same essay for all the schools. If you do, your essay will blend into themonotonous blur of flowery compliments and platitudes about "exciting (or quiet)location, top faculty, outstanding reputation, and diverse student body fromwhich I can learn so much as I too contribute." They don't need you to tell themhow wonderful they are. If they weren't wonderful, you wouldn't be applying indroves.

Write about the school's special features. If one of the professors is anexpert in the area in which you are particularly interested, mention that youwould like to study with him or her. If this school has unusual opportunities orprograms that appeal to you, discuss how they will help you to achieve yourgoals. Show that the school has a unique appeal to you.

When revealing your goals and plans for the future, be realistic.Demonstrate an understanding of typical career paths in your field. For example,unless you have some very responsible position now, you can't expect to manage amulti-billion dollar portfolio upon graduation. But you may plan to be ananalyst upon graduation and after a few years manage increasingly largeportfolios, perhaps specializing in an area of particular interest. If you havea long-term goal that even you acknowledge is a long shot, you can still discussit, but I suggest you refer to it as a dream (dreams are great!) and alsodiscuss some down-to-earth goals — goals you are likely to achieve as a resultof your past experiences and the MBA you hope to receive from First ChoiceB-School.

4、Discuss an ethical dilemma you faced and how you dealt withit.

Probably the most troublesome question. Let's first review the nature of adilemma. According to Webster, a dilemma is a "situation involving choicebetween equally unsatisfactory alternatives." No obvious or right solutionexists for a dilemma. Every choice has undesirable consequences.

The first step in approaching this question is choosing a situation todiscuss. Were you ever asked to do anything on the job that you felt wasunethical, but where refusal to act would cost you your job? Were you ever askedto withhold information damaging to a client? Did a colleague tell you inconfidence something that would be very harmful or helpful to your employer? Didyou ever face a situation where following the rules would have unintended, andpossibly unconscionable, consequences? Any of these situations represents anethical dilemma.

After you choose the situation, your first step in writing your response isto describe it and briefly paint a picture of the pressures that surrounded thedilemma or the history that led up to it. Then describe the pros and cons of theoptions you faced. If the question calls for it, discuss how you resolved yourdilemma. Conclude either with the lessons you learned from facing this situationor your opinion today of your actions then.






Where did you graduate from?/ From what school did you graduate?

When did you graduate?

What major were you in? / What was your major in your university in China?


What/where are you studying NOW?

What’s major now?

When will you graduate?


Why do you give up study in such a good Chinese university and go to Canada?

Why do you change your major? / Give me reasons that you change the major.


What is your academic record?

Why not good?


Have you ever taken TOEFL/IELTS/GMAT/GRE test?

What is your TOEFL/ IELTS/GMAT/GRE score?

Have you tanked China’s National University Entrance Examination? Your score report?

Have you been admitted into China’s university?



Which school will you study in? / What’s your school in Canada?

Why do you choose this school?

How do you get to know this school?

Which state are you going to in Canada? / Which part of Canada are you going to?


How many schools did you apply for?

All the schools accepted you? / You were admitted into all these schools?


Who applied for this school’s admission for you?

Did you apply by yourself?


Do you have scholarship?

How much is it?

Who apply for you?



Why do you go to Canada? / What is your purpose to go to Canada?


Why do you choose Canada to study rather than other foreign countries?


Do you have clear study plan? What’s your study plan? / Please let me know you study plan.


Is it necessary for you to spend so much money studying in US?

If you study this major in China, you can cost less while obtain the same knowledge, why choose the expensive way?



Do you have brother or sister?

Why don’t they go to Canada to study?


Do you have any relative in the Canada? / Are there any family members of yours in Canada?

What do they do in US?

Why don’t they come back to China? / Why do they stay in Canada?

Will you stay in Canada like them?


Have you gone to Canada? / Have you been to Canada in the past?

Did your parents go to Canada?


Have you ever been to abroad? / Did you go to other foreign countries?

Why did you go there? / What did you do in the country?

Why don’t you choose to further your study there?


随机问答如:food 、book 、sports travelling、photo、friend、season、weather。





3.在选择英国之前是否考虑过其它国家?或是否和其它国家进行过比较? 4.你认为英国与其它国家相比有什么优势吗?或和其它国家比较过什么?


8.你为什么要出国读书?9.你对英国了解吗?10.你在英国有亲属或朋友吗? 11.有人向你介绍过英国吗?


学校情况及学习计划: 1.你怎么知道的这所学校?





13.你将学习多长时间的语言课程?我不相信你在读完语言课程之后能达到预科或A-level的入学要求? 14.什么是IELTS考试?

[际英语水平测试系统,(International English Language Testing System)]



1,这个问题简单地说明一下这个学校吸引自己的地方,如: dense academic atmosphere, satisfactory natural environment, fusion of multiple cultures.

2.My majoy will be environmental protection.接下来可以简单说一说原因:Environment is a significant aspect in our life and crucial for further development of human society. Protecting the environment is an urgent and necessary thing for all human beings and I would like to be the most passionate person and pay out the most endeavour.

3.就是问职业目标,这个需要你自己回答,因为我也不清楚。 如: I want to be a scientist majoring in environmental protection and I will try my best to realize my career goal.

4.介绍一下自己的优点/长处,如: I am an overall-developed student and I can add a different cultural ambience to your school.

如果有特长的话,可以简单说一说自己培养特长的经历: I am especially good at..... I practiced really hard.

5. First, as a Chinese person, I can bring the special ambience of Chinese culture to the school community and make the school have more cultural diversities. Second, I am willing to helping other students and doing volunteer work, so I will dedicate in doing work for school community, for instance, cleaning the campus.




以上就是留学申请英文问答题的全部内容,这一题我当时的回答是:I want to learn more different cultures. I want to enjoy a different kind education. I want to teach other people in America about Chinese culture. I want to improve my English.等等等等……其次是纸上的:第一题:主要问你的是英语课水平。内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
