
美国留学 2023-10-19 16:44:02 179



(1) What will you study in the United States? /What do you want to study in the USA?

I will study for my Ph.D. degree in Public Policy and Management at the Heinz School at Carnegie Mellon University.

(2) Why do you go to Carnegie Mellon University?/Why do you choose this University?/Why do you go to this University?

Carnegie Mellon University is one of the best universities in the United States. The Heinz school ranks first in the area of Public Policy and Management. I'll study for my Ph.D degree there.

(3) What is your purpose to the USA?/What will you do in the USA?/What are you going to do in the United States?/Are you going to study in the USA? Yes…. I will study for my Ph.D. degree at the Heinz School of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University.

(4) What is your major?

I'll study in the area of Public Policy and Management at Carnegie Mellon University.

(5) In what aspect of your major will you study?

Supply Chains Management.

(6) Can you say something about it? What is it? What is it for?

Supply-chain management is a generic term that encompasses the coordination of order generation, taking, and fulfillment and distribution of products, services, or information. It is critical, not only to the success, but also to the survival of any firm. As a discipline, supply chains management draws on the fields of management science, statistics, operations research and economics.

(7) When and where did you get your Bachelor and Master degree?

I got my Bachelor degree at Peking University in 1998. And I just got my master degree at Tsinghua University.

(8) What are you studying now? Where are you studying now? What are you doing now?

I was studying at Tsinghua University. My major is Management Science and Engineering. I did some research in Supply Chains Management. I've just got my master degree.

(9) What did you do with your Master work?

I took fifteen courses, did some research on Supply Chains Management. I just finished my master thesis. And I have several academic publications.

(10) How long will you study in the USA?

The Doctoral Program is designed to be completed in six years. I hope I could get my Ph.D in five years.

Why it needs six years?

As you may know, Carnegie Mellon University is one of the best in the United States. The Heinz School ranks first in the area of Public Policy and Management. It has strict requirement to us students. I think that's why this doctoral program needs six years.

(11) Have you got any scholarship?

Yes. I've been honored a full tuition scholarship and a stipend. If I remain in good academic standing, the Heinz school will renew my award of full financial support.

(12) What if you do not have financial award for the sixth year?

The department told me, if I remain in good academic standing, the Heinz School will renew my award of full financial support. I am a good student, and I don't think I'll encounter any problem in receiving such financial support. And even if I haven't financial aid in the sixth year of my study, my personal saving at that time will be enough to cover all of my expense.

(13) What will you do with your work for this Ph.D.?

I'll take courses for the first two years, and then conduct dissertation research in the area of Supply Chains Management for the following years.

(14) What is your purpose for the visa?

I need F-one visa in order to study for my Ph.D. degree at Carnegie Mellon University.

(15) What is your academic background?

I got my Bachelor degree at Peking University in 1998. I just got my Master degree at Tsinghua University. My earlier work was in Economics

and my current work is in Management Science and Engineering. My future research at Carnegie Mellon University will still be interdisciplinary.

(16) How do you know this University?

I got to know it from US NEWS. Carnegie Mellon University has good reputation. The Heinz School ranks first in the area of Public Policy and Management.

(17) What is your plan?/What will you do after graduation?/What do you plan to do when you go back?

I will come back and seek a teaching and research position in a leading business school in China.

(18) Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?

The first reason is I'll take care of my parents. * They will one day become old. I can not leave them alone. The second reason is, I think it is much easier to find an academic position in China than in the States. * I believe I will have a bright future in China.The third reason is I would like to contribute what I have learned to my country.

(19) If you can not find such a position, what will you do?

If so, I will turn to my second choice. I would like to find a research position in our government. You know, there are some research centers in our government.

(20) What will your salary be then?

About 10 thousand RMB yuan per month.






Q:What will you study in USA?

What’s your major, what aspect of your major will you study?

What will you do in USA? Are you going to study in USA?

A: I’m going to study XXX(major) in XXX University. My research programwill concentrate on the relationship between architectural design and culture,environment, human behavior, psychology. That is, how architectural design cancrete cheerful environment and living condition for people. Also I will do someresearch on the advanced method and techniques for architectural design undersome complicated conditions.

Q: Why do you want to study in US?

A: Because the architectural design and research in US is at the leadingposition in the world. Many famous architects work there. Meanwhile, theprospect of architecture design in China is very promising. I’d like to do myadvanced research in architecture and get a Mater’s degree in US. This will helpme to achieve higher entry status when I come back to China, and is helpful forme to achieve my personal plan of development.

In 1998, we had a international design competition for the China NationalGrand Theater, I was assigned by XXX University as an assistant of theproprietor’s committee of the theater. Right in this competition, I found ourdesigns, including the design by XXX, cannot compete with the foreign ones atall. We still have a long way to go, and there must be some breakthrough in ourarchitectural design and education. The best way I think, is to learn advancedtheory and method from abroad. Thus I decided to study in US.

Q: Why did you choose XXX university?

How did you know this university?

Have you any scholarship?

Why did you receive scholarship from this university?

A: (Many former student graduated from XXX had gone to this university.They said it is an excellent university with very good academic condition. Ialso visited its website and got some introduction materials from their graduateschool. I found it is really a good university whose research program wellcaters to my research interests.)

As I know, the graduate program of architecture in XXX University isspecial. Its program is intentionally small and flexible, thus can meet theindividual needs and goals of a small number of students. This is very importantfor me to accomplish my academic research.

I think my outstanding academic record in XXX, together with my excellentGRE and Toefl scores and other documents such as portfolio and statement ofintent had impressed the admission committee. Based on these, they granted metheir most prestigious graduate award -- the university graduate fellowship.With this fellowship, there’s no RA or TA duties for me, and it’s renewable forthe next years. Thus I can be more concentrated on my graduate studies andresearch.

(I know that XXX University isn’t as famous as Yale, Upenn, but you can’tjudge a university only by its ranking. Yale and Upenn also gave me scholarship,but XXX university gave me a very warm welcome. Their dean interviewed me ontelephone several times. It is obvious that XXX university pays much moreattention on me than Yale and Upenn do. This is very important for one who wishto achieve academic success.)

In their letters, they told me they can provide sufficient funds to assistme in research. Many former student graduated from my university went to XXXuniversity, they said the research condition there is pretty good. They had aperfect CAD Lab. These students have already made great progress in XXXuniversity.

Q: Why do you want to pursue a M.S, while you already had a M.E inChina?

A: I do want to get higher academic achievement as possible as I can. Butyou know, most US universities don’t offer Ph.D. program in architecture.

The mater’s degree I already had is in Building Science and Technology,mainly in the building acoustic design. But currently in China, people don’t paymuch attention on this field. We can only work as acoustics consultants, whilethe future is not good. When I made the decision 4 years ago, I didn’t realizeit. And later, I found that I still interest in architectural design, and I havethe potential. In China, excellent architect, or designer is in great desire,especially those who learned advanced design method from US. So I hope I can geta M.S in US, therefore I can make great development in China.

Also as you know, there’s too many people have mater’s degree in China,they don’t have as much advantage as they once had. While a US degree isdifferent. People come back from US can get much higher status and payment.

Q:Will you come back to China?

What do you do with your work for M.S? What’s your plan? What will you doafter graduation?

Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?

A: I’ll definitely come back to China after graduation. I have my own goal,and why I choose to study abroad is to ceate condition for achieving mygoal.

First, I would like to set up my own architectural design firm in China.Currently, I don’t have enough ability and condition. After I get mater’s degreein US, I can fulfill my dream. And I can promise you, after ten years in China,you will see great buildings designed by me.

Secondly, there is news from Chinese government recently. It said duringthe next 15 years, China is going to build 1000 cities, thus the urbanpopulation will make up more than 50% in the total population. This is anexciting information for our architects. As you can see, this news meanssufficient project for us to do in the next 20 years.

Third, China is applying for holding the 2008 Olympic Games. If Chinasucceed in this campaign, there will be lot of gymnasiums, hotels and otherfacilities to be built. This is also a great opportunity for us. And I can justcatch up the construction right after graduation from XXX university.

On the other hand, the future in this field is limited in US. Too manyexcellent architects work there, almost no place for us foreigners. You know, ifyou get a job in US after graduation, you can only do as a draftsman, with asalary of no more than $30,000 a year. They can never become what are calledreal architects, or maters. But in China the situation is totally different.Architects with mater’s degrees in US can preside very large project, and hashigh social status and income, probably more than 100,000 RMB a year. I firmlybelieve that I can have a much prospective future in China as an architect.

In China, we have a famous architect named Zhang Kaiji, his son, ZhangYonghe studied in US and stayed there for 10 years. He didn’t receive anyproject there and can only work as a teacher in an university. When he cameback, he set up his firm and made many excellent designs in China.

Q: Can you explain why 90% China student didn’t comeback?

A: The fact that 95% of Chinese students didn’t come back is not areasonable logic that I will not come back either. Even 99% Chinese studentsstay in USA, I will be the other 1%. It’s necessary for me to return to China topursue my dream and ambition, which is very difficult for a foreigner to do inUSA. I agree that USA is a great country, but not every one wants to stay there,since it’s difficult to achieve my goal in USA, which include a high socialposition and respectable social status.

I think it’s mainly because of their major. For some major, the prospect inChina isn’t promising. They want to stay in US to continue their researchbecause the condition and equipment there are much better. But things havechanged. A recent investigation showed that, with the fast development of China,80% of the students studying abroad are intending to come back.

Actually most of the scholars who came back to China are verysuccessful.

Q: Why do you like your major?

A: It’s a kind of field that has close relationship with art and culture.It calls for both imagination, craftsmanship, art inspiration and a deepunderstanding of cultures. I love such kind of work.

Q: Why are you special?

A: In fact, I myself don’t think I’m really special although others oftenthink I am. I think it’s because I’m a kind of perfectionist. I’ve always wantedto be the best in whatever I chose to do. I always use my energy on proper timeand place, never waste it. And I’m a person who likes to challenge myself.Applying for US university is also a kind of challenge. I would like to pursuemy highest achievement as possible as I can.




1,Hello, how are you?

2. Why do you need a visa? Where will you go?

冲信3. Have you taken TOEFL or IELTS exams?/ Did you take any standard tests?

4. Why don’t you study in China?5. Why do you choose this university?

6. What is your major? Why do you like this major? Why do you choose this major?

7. How long do you plan to stay in the US?

8. What are you going to do after graduation? Do you have a clear future plan? After your study in the US, what will you do?9. When will you go to university?10. Where will you live?

11. How many universities have you compared with? What are they?

12. How much do you know about the university? Tell me something about the university you choose.

棚判稿13. How many university admit you?

14. Do they give you financial aid? Do you seek financial aid from the universities? Do you seek scholarship?15. Where are you studying now?

16. Have you taken GAOKAO/National Entrance Exam?17. Why don’t you choose a university in China?

18. Show me your transcript. May I see your transcript? Do you have a transcript?

19. Are you a good student?

20. What is your favorite subject?

21. Who will support you? Who is your sponsor?

22. Do you know how much money will you need for your study/stay in the US?

23. Do you plan to seek financial support in US?

24. Show me your bank certificate./ Can I see your bank deposit?

25. What do your parents do?

链孝26. How much do ther earn a year?/ What’s their income?

27. Explain the source of the money.

28. What will you do after your graduation? What is your future plan?

29. Do you plan to seek employment in US after your graduation?

30. Is this the first time you are outside of China? Is this your first time abroad? Have you ever been outside of China?

31. Do you have any friends or relatives in the US?

32. Is this the first time for your US visa interview?

33. Who is your advisor?

34. How do you connect with the university?

35. How did you find the unversity?

36. How do you apply to the universities?

37. How long have you prepared for your visa interview?

38. What is your major now and what is the major you will study further?

39. Can you compare with your majors?

40. Can you explain what you learned in the university? Talk about something about your major.

41. Do you know what courses you will have in future?

42. Why do you choose this major?


留学签证 美国


1.Talk about yourself. /Introduce yourself.



2.What’s the purpose of your visit?



3.What do you do now? /What did you do after graduation? /What have you been

doing lately?



4.When and where did you graduate?





5.What did you study in college? / What is it about?



6.What will you do in USA? /What is your purpose for the visa? /What’s your study

plan in the states /Tell me your education plan.



7.Why do you want to study in USA? /Why do you intend to study in USA rather than

in China?



8.1).What degree will you pursue in USA?

2).What is your ultimate academic goal?

3).What leve

以上就是美国留学签证问到英语问题的全部内容,83) Do you have a girlfriend? Where is she? Are you sure your gf will keep relation with you during your graduate study?二、内容来源于互联网,信息真伪需自行辨别。如有侵权请联系删除。
