
美国留学 2023-10-17 19:24:27 90

美国留学奖学金面试问题?美国留学申请面试题1: Tell me about yourself.这个问题看似简单,其实要回答的内容比问题本身要难的多。如何用简单的几句话回答面试官这个问题而得到面试官的认可就非常重要了。在回答问题的时候确实很难避免提到我很友好,那么,美国留学奖学金面试问题?一起来了解一下吧。


美国留学申请面试题1: Tell me about yourself.


美国留学申请面试题2:Why are you interested in our college?










直接问答原则:足够稳定的资金-必须向V0表明是家庭或本人有足够的资金,并且留美费用不会给家庭产生负担。一般情况, 本科可以表明 4年的费用扣除奖学金余额的费用,研究生表明2年的费用。再次强调 资金的来源和历史。




直接问答原则:没有移民倾向一必须向V0说明自己的求学动机和归国计划,强调 两者的-致性。




核。(缴费单、护照、156 及照片、157、158(16+)表格;护照;入学许可;成绩单;经济担保


款的纪录等等, you should mention this during the interview q/a if state probably。

2、事前要充分地准备敬友誉如何应对。keeping in practice will always help, but don’t mem

orize your answer during the interview. you should reply and state your words in nat

ural way as regular dialogue and at a clear conversation speed.








•Could you walk me

through your resume?

•Why MBA?

•Why do the MBA now?

•Why our school?

•What are your short

term/long term post-MBA career goals?

•What are your 3

greatest strengths?

•What are your 2

greatest weaknesses?

•What do you think will

be the biggest concern of the Admissions Committee in evaluating your


•Do you have any

questions for me?



Academic Experience

•What was the most

rewarding aspect of your undergraduate experience?

•What are you most proud

of about your undergraduate period?

•Why did you select this

undergraduate major? Would you have changed your decision today?

•To what do you

attribute your strong academic performance?

•In which campus

activities did you participate? What did you learn or gain from this


•Have you ever dropped a

class? Why?

•Which college classes

did you like the best/least? Why?

•Do you think you

received a good education?

•Do your grades

accurately reflect your ability?

•Were you financially

responsible for part or all of your college education?

•姿激How many classes did

you miss because of illness, personal business or other reasons?

Work Experience

•Describe your work

experience (in general or with specific employers).

•What did you find most

frustrating at work?

•What kinds of changes

would you make at your work if you could?

•Do you have any

opportunity for innovative thinking?

•历铅Could you describe an

incident where you disagreed with a superior? How was this settled?

•What aspect of your job

do you most enjoy? Why?

•Of what accomplishment

at work are you most proud?

•Could you compare your

experience in these two jobs you had?

•If I ask your manager

what he/she values in you, what will he/she say?

•What did you enjoy

most/least about position X?

•Of which three

accomplishments are you most proud?

•What problems have you

solved in your previous positions?

•What have you disliked

in your job with employer X?

•What are some recent

responsibilities you have taken on?

•What do you think it is

about yourself that enabled you to earn achievement X?

•Describe a typical


Career Path

•Why did you leave job A

for job B?

•What will you do if you

are not accepted to any of the MBA programs you applied to?

•What will you do if you

are not accepted to our MBA program?

•Why did you choose to

do X?

•Describe your ideal job

after completing the MBA.

•How does your education

or work experience relate to your career goals?


•Give me two cases where

you demonstrated leadership.

•How would others

describe your leadership style?

•What do you think is

the right way to get things done through others?

•What would you do if a

team member wasn't pulling his own weight?

•What qualities should a

successful manager possess?

•Have you ever spoken to

a group of people? How large?

•Could you name someone

you view as a strong leader? Why?

•Who are your role



•What role do you

usually play in group situations? Could you give an example?

•Do you prefer to work

under supervision or on your own?

•Give me an example of

your teamwork experience.

•Have you worked under

deadline pressure? When?

•Do you prefer large or

small companies? Why?

•What kinds of people do

you enjoy working with?

•What kinds of people

frustrate you?

•How do you contribute

to groups?

Personal and Ethics

•Tell me about yourself.

•Describe a time when

you had to bend the rules a little in order to accomplish a goal.

•What do you like doing

outside of work?

•Tell me about something

in your life you would have done differently if you had the opportunity.

•What 3 adjectives would

others use to describe you?

•Can you recall a

creative/innovative activity of yours?

•Tell me about a time

you took a risk and what the experience was like.

•If you were to

establish a set of values and beliefs on which to build a business, what would

they be?

•Is there anything

specific/else that you would like the admissions committee to know about you?

•Define success/failure.

•Tell me about a time in

which you failed.

•What would you like to

change about yourself?

•Discuss any experience

you have had abroad.

•Describe a life

experience that had a strong impact on you?

•Tell me about an

ethical dilemma you’ve dealt with.

•What do you get

passionate about?

Extracurricular / Volunteer Work

•Have you ever done any

volunteer work? What was it?

•Were your

extracurricular activities worth the time you put into them? What have they

taught you?

The MBA Program

•What are you looking

for in our program?

•What can you contribute

to your class?

•Why do you think you

would enjoy your chosen area of study?

•What clubs are you

considering joining?

•It's two years after

graduation, what three words would your MBA team members use to describe you?

Typical “Behavioral Interview” Questions

•In dealing with a

customer, think of your most difficult situation and tell me how you handled


•Give an example of a

case when you felt your boss made a bad decision and explain how you would have

handled it differently.

•Describe a situation where 20 different

things had to get done at once and how you handled it.

•Describe a disagreement

you had with your boss. What did he say? What did you say?

•Describe a major

problem you have faced on the job and how you handled it



