
英语 2023-08-17 11:25:19 206

关于留学的演讲英语ted?短ted演讲稿篇1 亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 我有个老师——任老师。他个子中等,身体稍胖。脸黑红的,带着一副黑框的眼镜。头发向右偏梳着。他看上去有些严肃。但他的话坚强而有力,他的笑和蔼可亲。那么,关于留学的演讲英语ted?一起来了解一下吧。






演讲 英文


Threeyours ago, I was 17. My high school has an exchange program with American highschools. I was in a fearless age and curious about outside world. It was neveran easy decision. The exchange program only for one year, but we all knew thatonce I choose to study abroad I have to stay abroad until graduating fromcollege because Chinese High Schools’ courses are so intense that I have no wayto catch up after one year abroad. I was very lucky to have parents who arewilling to support me to see the world and live my life as the way I wanted.Finally, I quitted the school in China and got on the plane to American alone. WhenI ate the wired sandwich on the airplane, I told myself: “I am ready for all challengesand I will be strong. “At that point of time, I barely knew anything aboutAmerica except the word “America”.

I first landed at Winona, MN and studied there for two years. Life was hard atthe beginning. I knew literally no one there and I spoke confusing English witha strong Chinese accent, which I still do. But you can never image how anxiousI was when I talk to people in English. I did many silly things which embarrassedme so much at that time. There was once I had a problem with my laptop in mycomputer draw class, then I asked a guy sitting next to me, I said to him: “Excuseme, can I help you”? That was so funny and I would never forget his face withconfusion at that moment. We don’t have cash back in China. So, the firstsupermarket trip is mean to be another funny joke. The cashier asked me: “Wouldyou like any cash back?” I was surprised and thought: Wow! What a greatAmerican! I can even get free money after shopping! Then I relied her: “Sure! Asmuch as possible”! She gave me a maximum amount, and I did not realize that wasmy own money until I told this amazing supermarket experience to my friends. Livingalone is not as cool as I thought and I was not as strong as I thought either. However,without being silly and making mistakes I can never grow and make things right.

Making American friends was another big challenge for me. There was a period of time I hided myself in Chinese group and spoke as less English as possible. One day, Iwoke up and asked myself why I am here and what is the meaning of giving upeverything in China and come here to speak Chinese all day long? I could notfind an answer so I decided to walk out my comfort zone and make Americanfriends. I find it hard at first because we grow up differently; we watchdifferent movies, read different novels and play different sports. When peopleare talking around me I can hardly got the chance to speak because I have noidea about the subject they talked. When people are talking about basketball, volleyball,football or soccer, I can only tell them that I am good at playing ping pong. Endof story. I was self-satisfied in China but after I came to American, I felt I know nothing. Then I realized that textbooks are not the only thing I need tolearn. From then on, I learnt volleyball, basketball, pool, photography andpainting, I joined cross country term in high school, I listen to the newsradios every morning and I watch American TV shows. I gained more skills and knowledgethat I can be proud of as I get deeper understanding of American Culture. WhatI really want to say is that the experience of studying abroad definitelychanges my life and my perspective of the world.


尊敬的主持人,亲爱的听众朋友们:非常荣幸能够站在这个舞台上与大家分享的想法和故事。今天,将为大家带来一场精有趣的演讲,希望能够在短暂的时间内给大家带来一些启发和笑声。相信大家对TED(Technology, Entertainment, Design)这个全球知名的演讲平台都已基轿慧经非常熟悉了。在这个平台上,们经常能够听到各种各样的演讲,有些是关于科技的革新,有些是关于艺术的创作,还有些是关于社会问题的思考。但无论哪种主题,TED演讲总能够让们眼前一亮,惊叹作者的智慧和魅力。今天,想和大家分享一些个人非常喜欢的TED演讲,它们不仅精有趣,而且给了很多思考和启发。首先,想提到一场来自肯尼亚的TED演讲,题为《如何让人们非常非常愉快地买单》。这位演讲者通过讲述自己在非洲开办一家小餐厅的经历,分享了如何通过创新和服务来吸引顾客,并创造出了快乐的消费场所。他的演讲风趣幽默,让们不禁为他的智慧和勇气而感动。另外一场非常喜欢的TED演讲是来自美国的一位科学家,他以《为什么笑话很有趣?》为题进行了演讲。他通过对幽默的科学分析,揭示了笑话的构成要素和作用,让们深入了解了幽默对们的生活和健康的积极影响。


这是优秀清单的第 08 期分享





毕竟让大家变得更优秀可是我们坚定不移的使命,而且有一种更好的方式能将 英语学习 、 演讲表达 和 知识干货 全都结合在一起,那就是 TED演讲 。

我从成千上万的TED演讲中,精心挑选了10个最受欢迎也最值得观看的演讲 ,每一场,都足腔轮迹以颠覆你的认知,震撼你的心灵!


全球教育改革中的传奇人物——肯·罗宾逊(Ken Robinson)教授,通过一番幽默生动的且引人深思的演讲,为我们讲述了学校是如何扼杀创造力以及教育改革的必要性。

肯·罗宾逊还提出培养好学生的三个原则:多样化、充满活力和个性化, 每个学校都应该充分发挥自己的创造力,而不是为了应对整个教育制度,不得不将自己的天赋给抹杀掉。













